Box Office: 0113 250 5011

Supporters Scheme Terms & Conditions

  1. Subscription of the Supporters’ Scheme is non-transferrable.
  2. Supporters are entitled to privileges in accordance with the Scheme they sign up to as detailed on our website and any supporting material. BrassNeck Theatre reserves the right to review these privileges on an annual basis. Any changes to the privileges will be notified to you in writing or by email.
  3. BrassNeck Theatre reserves the right to review the Scheme contributions at any time. You will be notified of any changes one month in advance in writing or by email.
  4. Supporters agree to subscribe to the Scheme for a period of at least one year from the date of subscription.
  5. A subscriber may cancel their subscription at any time by contacting us in writing. Cancellation will take place at the end of that subscription year.
  6. BrassNeck Theatre reserves the right to terminate a subscription at any time.
  7. Any appeal to the termination of scheme subscription should be submitted in writing to The Committee of BrassNeck Theatre within one month of termination.
  8. It is the responsibility of the Supporter to notify BrassNeck Theatre of any changes to their personal details, including email address.