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‘Spelling Bee’ Auditions 29th June!!
Posted on 16th Jun 2014 by BrassNeck
Categories: BrassNeck News
Tagged in: audtions, Spelling Bee, Theatre

‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ auditions are nearly here!
The competition is intense. The words are hilarious. Let the spelling begin! The show centres around a fictional spelling bee in Putnam County, New York. Six kids face off in the battle of their lives. They compete against each other as well as members of the audience. Three adults help adjudicate the proceedings: a nostalgic former spelling bee winner, a mildly insane Vice Principal and The Official Comfort Counsellor completing his community service to the state of New York. While the spellers are children they are played by adult actors. All spellers should move well.
Auditions for ‘Spelling Bee’ are to be held on Sunday 29th June 12.30 – 6.00 at Yeadon Town Hall. The show will take place at Yeadon Town Hall from 12th to 16th May 2015. Request further information or your audition pieces from Anne –